Regie: Mario Camerini Gastone Moschin hat übrigens in der Serie von Terence Hill, Don Mateo, in den Jahren 2000 bis 2001 eine Rolle gespielt. Seufz... die würde ich ja so gerne mal sehen, als Terence Hill Fan... |
Auch an der Musik merkt man das dieser Film nichts mehr mit den ursprünglichen Don Camillo Filmen mit Fernandel und Gino Cervi zu tun hat. Das klingt alles nach "Allerwelts-70er-Filmmusik" und versprüht zu keinem Zeitpunkt auch nur den Ansatz der Don Camillo Melodien. Gino Cervi und Christian-Jaque haben damals gut daran getan sich nicht weiter an der Verfilmung ohne Fernandel zu beteiligen (siehe hier). |
Rezensionstext (ziemlich vernichtend) bei This "Don Camillo e i giovani d'oggi" (Don Camillo and the young of today) is a pale, crappy imitation of the classic series. The spirit of the book (the last one ,because Guareschi died) was all lost; the acting is wrong (no fun, the character looks angry); Lionel Started played Peppone (Peppone does means "big Joe") and he is less then inspired; Gastone Moschin played an harsh and despicable Don Camillo, who won a " boxing match" kicking Peppone 's son (the hell's angel boss, Veleno) in the nuts (in the novel Don Camillo fights as usual : punching and bodyslammed his younger opponent) !!! Get it? In the novel Don Camillo is an aged but still strong and leal fighter while in the movie is a unpleasant and dirty cheater. His main rival\alley is Veleno (Venom) , Peppone 's son : a rude and muscolar hell's angel but still a good fellow : brave and leal. In the movie Veleno was portrait as a some ugly street thug. This movie paired in ugliness with the infamous remake by Terence Hill but it is not a nice family movie, it appear more a darker , mean version of Don Camillo . My advice: buy only the original Fernandel -Gino Cervi movies: see them in English and later in Italian with subtitles and stay away from further versions |